
Baby Marcelo, who is known as the iconic and transgressive character “La Troya Ibiza ", the famous and legendary party on the island,(currently at the club Chinois - Ibiza). Recognised and characterised by his exuberant Fellinianesque masks, he makes use of stilts and surprising costumes, which provoke and seduce.

Baby Marcelo (his real name Marcello ) was born in Bari - Italy ,moved to Rome ,where on a scolarship he attended the theater school"La Scaletta" by Orazio Costa Giovanglgli and as well as he studied dancetheater and butoh dance.Basic to his training has been the study with the English artist Lindsay Kemp,whom he considers his Master: Other references for his inspiration are the performing artists Divine an Leight Bowery.

A multidiscplinary artist(actor, mime, singer ,painter and dj) he worked in various shows with directors such as Mauro Bolognini and Franco Zeffirelli ,and performed with The Schola Cantorum- Teatro dell'Opera -Rome (polifonico and gregorian chant).

Later he performed and collaborated with the great clubs of Ibiza (Privilege,Amnesia,Pacha,Space,Heart)and performed internationally, in Brasil (Privilege), USA (Miami and NY), Russia (Icon Club Moscow), Hong Kong (Dragon-I), Australia (Mardigras- Sidney), London (Ministry od Sound, Cafe de Paris, Heaven, Fabric), as well throughout Europe(Paris, Prague, Milan, Rome, Belgrade, Madrid,Barcelona, Zurich,Amsterdam and so on. He was the creative director of the theater -animation group of the club Ku of Ibiza "Los Monstruos “, the charecters of “La Troya “ and the party "The Face of Ibiza”.

In his carrer Marcello was also testimonial for brands like Swatch and Red Bull .He
performed at the Kilie Minogue concert (Ibiza1995). and was the protagonist, coreographer and costume design of a music video “Ancient Person of my Heart “directed by Peter Shammel for Virgin Records UK (1997).

His first single realized in 2000,"La Hormona dell''Amore ” was produced by Warner Music followed by others ,among which we remember, "Trabajame ”,"Alegria", ,Revolucionaria "," Disco Baby"," The Face of Ibiza “ and “ Sex.Love and Rock n' Roll”.

Among the last work we remember his interpretation in the role of Pontius Pilate, in the future film by Pierluigi Sposato “Judas”.
His artwork reflects his dream world .He parteciped with one of his painting , entitled "Eros & ThanatosS" ,in the contemporary art competition"Adrenalina Art Project", of which he was the winner of the online award.


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